
Foto zabrane z, autor: Tomasz Wawer / Agencja Gazeta

(“Zrzuty“, Lao Che, 2004)

“Here we see an ant. This ant is engaged in a life or death struggle with the wolf. You can see the ant creeping up on the wolf on all sixes. Now he stops to observe. Satisfied that the wolf has not heard him, he approaches nearer. With great skill he chooses his moment and then, quick as a limpet, with one mighty bound buries his fangs in the wolf’s neck. The wolf struggles to no avail. A battle of this kind can take anything up to fifteen years because the timber ant has such a tiny mouth.

  1. confiance

    “The Quick and the Dead”…limpet

  2. Dawno sie tak nie smialam. Dziekuje Vontrompce za wszystko a za powyzsze w szczegolnosci…

  3. Trampki 10 zł, gazeta 20 zł, kopnięcie romka filcem w klatkę piersiową bezcenne.

  4. Krzychu@

    Romek i z czego się kurwa śmiejesz


co Ty powiesz

filtr antyspamowy jest nierychliwy. wiem o tym.